Devlog 4: Production



Finally, after the worthy wait we went into production this week. We’ve started adding plenty of new features and art assets:

  • Timer HUD: 
    • Now during gameplay, we got a cool working stopwatch that clearly indicates the remaining time of the game which is displayed in the upper corner of the screen.
  • Pick up item system:
    •  The pickup item action now is 1/10 second making it faster as the previous value we had.
    • When the character is picking up and item the movement is disabled making it riskier for the player.
  • Character movement:
    • The previous bugs were fixed such as the character sticking to the walls. And we added a xbox controller input which will make it more accessible.
  • Inventory system:
    • When the player picks up an item a timer is displayed with the duration of collect time.
  • Dropping items:
    • We’ve made a lot of improvements that were previously overlooked such as the player can now hold items, choose to drop the lowest value item he has and can lose multiple items because of damage.


We’re quite positive on the progress we got so far and the game looks promising and definitely fun to play it .


After the worthy wait we’ve finally stepped in into art:

We’ve created multiple plan sketches to try and test out the best possible and the most fun level.

  • Environment Sketches:


Joe’s sketch



Anna’s sketch

 .Julian’s sketches

  • Environment Blockout:


Finally with the team’s approval we’ve picked Anna’s concept to continue the blockout .


We’ve added modular pieces such as windows door and the fences created by Joe to the blockout to give it a general feel of the environment.

  • New enemy will be present in the game which is the visible beartrap. Now it’s still in development.
  • Character sketches:



  • Different ideations of accessories created by Anna for each player racoon to make them easily distinguishable in the scene.
  • Character mesh :

First, we got a cool more highpoly version of the racoon but as the game is more in a lowpoly style we optimized it more to a lower resolution but keeping the recognizable shape.



Maxim and Dylan worked tirelessly on improving and adding new functionality to the level as well as the incoming new enemy the beartrap. The Roomba was largely improved and bug free as well as the inventory system , character movement .

  • Controls:

Collect Trash:

- Controller: A 

- Keyboard: Spacebar

Drop Trash:

- Controller: B

- Keyboard: O


- Controller: Joystick

- Keyboard: WASD


- Controller: X

- Keyboard: P

Files 26 MB
Mar 21, 2022

Get TrashPandas

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